Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Everyone has "Stuff"

Everyone has stuff.  We just don't always share it with the world.

You know the family in your town with the perfect kids -- good looking, straight A honor students, president of every club, varsity sports? They have stuff.

The family in your town with a lot of money, vacations to exotic locales and owns the nicest house? They have stuff.

The Stay-at-Home Mom who is always prepared, bakes from scratch, is on every volunteer school committee? She has stuff.

The guy who always beats you out for promotions? Who bought his teenagers brand new cars for their sixteenth birthdays? He has stuff.

Lately I have a lot of friends going through stuff -- whether in their own lives, with their kids, with unemployment...

When you're going through stuff, it feels like you're all alone, that you'll never get through it, or that it's going to take a very long time, at least. And that can feel even more awful than than the fact that you're going through stuff in the first place.

Sometimes when you're going through stuff, you look around and think that other people -- those who look "perfect," those people you're secretly jealous of because they seem so perfect -- never go through stuff. But they do.  

There's not much you can do when you're going through stuff but remind yourself that it gets better. The new job will come, the kid will straighten out, the illness will improve.  So to all my friends going through stuff right now, hang in there. Brighter times are ahead.

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