Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Six Days!

Only six days left until The Opposite of Normal debuts! I'm very excited to share it with all of you.  It will be available on Kindle and as a paperback through Amazon.

This is my first independently published book.  Last time, my agent guided me through the process, and her literary agency did the publishing. This time, I've done it all myself. I hired my own editor, I worked with my own cover artist, I worked with a conversion company to convert my Word files to Kindle files, I did all my own publicity, marketing, everything. So it's all on me!

This is both good and bad news. The bad news is if you don't like it, if there are problems, if you can't access it on your Kindle, if the book doesn't come to you in the mail, if you don't like the writing, if you don't like the cover, if you find's all on me!  But the good news is that I made all my own decisions, that I've gained new skills, that I've made new author friends along the way....and it's been challenging, but fun. For someone who doesn't like change, who doesn't enjoy, but rather stresses at, learning new things, it's just a big accomplishment just to say I did it.

I chose to independently publish my book because I wanted control. I was a Production Editor in my former life -- meaning that I took a book from concept to bound book -- from just an idea that my publishing company wanted a book on X to finding someone to write it, to me doing all the editing on it, to helping our in house cover designer work on a cover, to marketing, to publicity...that was some fun stuff. I remembered those fun times when I worked on this book.

So get ready...get set....Write to me after you read it. I'd love to know what you think.

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