Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tagging two more authors!

Last week I was tagged by the lovely Candace Hammond. Candy is the author of The Best Worst Year (2012, Kindle) which I loved. It was so kind of her to tag me!  Tagging gives blog readers a chance to get to know authors a bit better by asking them to answer ten questions.  The first five are about the author's Work-in-Progress, the second five are about the author's last book published. Here are my questions and answers:

1: What is the working title of your work in progress?
The Opposite of Normal

2: Where did the idea come from for the book?
I like to write about issues that I've personally experienced or have a great interest in. I'm Jewish, and I've struggled with what it means to be Jewish my entire life, so I decided to start there.

3: What genre does your book come under?
General Fiction leaning towards Women's.

4: Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
I am never good at casting, so I'll leave that to the professionals!

5: What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Rabbi Mark Friedlander and his teenage children are still reeling, two years later, from the death of their wife and mother from cancer.

6: Is your current book self-published, published by an independent publisher, or represented by an agency?
My agent is Erica Silverman at Trident Media Group, and together we published my first book, Child of Mine, through Trident's ebook division, on March 12, just a little over a week ago! It can be found on Kindle, Nook, itunes, and anywhere else ebooks are sold.

7: How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
It only takes me three to four months to write a first draft. It's the editing and revising that take a long time!

8: What other books would you compare this story in your current book to within your genre?
Child of Mine has been compared to Jodi Picoult's work, which blows my mind, because I could never imagine being as good as she is.

9: Who or what inspired you to write your current book?
Child of Mine was written in response to my battle with infertility.  I struggled through infertility treatment to have both my daughters, now ages 18 and 15, and I still remember how difficult a time that was.

10: What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
My main character is not only infertile, but a midwife, to boot, so she spends her days torn between treatment for her infertility and delivering other people's babies.

Thank you, Candace Hammond, for tagging me! I'm now tagging the amazingly talented Therese Fowler, whose next book, Z, comes out in just a few weeks, and the fabulous Caroline Leavitt, whose next book, Is this Tomorrow, comes out in May!

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