Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Day After....

Yesterday was the big day! Child of Mine made its debut into the world.

Overall, it was a very exciting and busy day. I received much Facebook and Twitter love, was taken to lunch by my parents and daughter, and made several sales.  But I still had regular every day stuff to do, too. Like editing my next book.  Like taking my daughter clothes shopping. And new stuff, like a guest spot on a radio show.  All in all, a great day.

But what happens the day after the book comes out?  I'm already checking to see if I have any reviews, though I do know it normally takes people more than one day to read a book!  I just spent part of my morning editing some more, and now, obviously, I'm writing my blog. Later I'll go for a walk on this bright, almost-spring shiny day, and then I'm going to try to find the location where I will be doing a Book Talk one evening next week. (Note: I am terrible with directions, even ones given to me by my faithful GPS, so I try to find important locations in advance, preferably in the daylight.) So I'm back to normal.

I'd wondered if I would feel different the-day-it-happened or the-day-after. But no, I really don't. Unlike actual childbirth, where the next day (and for several days and weeks after that, even, I felt like I'd been run over by a Mack truck), I feel pretty normal.  And unlike bringing a baby home, which threw my entire household into a tailspin (the first time) and a semi-tailspin (the second time) things were pretty smooth last night after all of the broo ha ha.  Except for the pizza we had for dinner instead of me making it (and I admit that we have pizza for dinner quite a bit, anyway, when I'm too tired or sick of cooking) everything proceeded as usual.  I watched Wheel of Fortune, and my husband and I watched a DVR'd Good Wife. (Love that show!)  He packed for a business trip.  My daughter and I enjoyed some ice cream before bed. See? Same stuff.

I'm no different than I was on Monday, when I wasn't a published author.  And I doubt my life will be any different going forward. Except, I hope, that people will write to me to tell me what they thought of my book, good or bad.  And I'll be on the radio some more. (Check my web site,, for information about my radio tour if you are interested) In the end, though, I'll still be here, in my pajamas, writing and editing, hoping to hear from you.

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