Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sharing Some Author Love

One of the most challenging things a new author needs to do is find other, more established authors in her genre who might be interested in reading her book, providing a blurb, or letting their own loyal readers know a fresh voice is on the scene.

As new authors, we hate to bother our established counterparts. Established authors are as busy as the rest of us, if not busier. They have books to write and edit, their own publicity to run, as well as responsibilities to their publishing houses and agents, yet they can be so valuable in helping us jump start our own careers.

Sometimes a new author just gets lucky.  That's what happened to me since my book, Child of Mine, came out a few weeks ago. First, the talented as well as lovely Therese Fowler, author of four books, both bought and tweeted about my book, and then she shared a link on her Facebook page to an interview I had done.  She did this in the midst of launching her newest book, Z, which has already garnered so much interest that I know she has been busy with press and media for weeks.  She took the time to mention me, and I'm so appreciative. Thank you Therese!

Then, last week, I reached out to author Jane Porter. Jane has written literally dozens of books over the last decade -- just in the last year several new ones have come out! -- and is widely known in women's fiction publishing. I met Jane at a party she threw a couple of months ago celebrating her latest release.  Though she lives on the West Coast, she brought the party here to New Jersey, and after I'd admired her work -- as well as her stamina -- for so long, I knew I had to go see her.  Jane was warm and inviting and we had a great conversation. 

So I took a chance and emailed her.  Within minutes, she emailed me back, offering to guest host me on her blog.  Next thing I know, my interview is on her web site, along with my picture, my cover image...I could not be more grateful to Jane.

I can't imagine ever having the kind of successful career that these ladies are having, but if I do, I will pay it forward and pick a new author who I want to support.  There's nothing better. Thank you so much to these terrific people!

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