Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The NEXT Book

When you're a writer, you constantly balance at least two worlds -- the book you're currently promoting, and the book you're currently writing. It's enough to drive you insane.

I love talking about Child of Mine, my debut novel. It was written from the heart; the story of an infertile midwife desperate to have a child -- and to find her biological family.  While I was writing it, it hearkened me back to the time I had struggled to have my own children, to my infertility treatment.

But at the same time as I've been discussing my midwife, Katie, and talking about infertility and birth and the magic of midwives, I've been living, part time, anyway, in my new world, with a twelve year old girl named Hannah who just wants to figure who she is -- Jewish, like her adoptive parents, or some other religion? And I've been taking peeks into her family, too.  Her father, Mark, is a Rabbi on the verge of losing his job, and who already lost the most important person in his life, his wife, his children's mother, to cancer a few years back. And what about Hannah's brother, Aaron, who has made a stupid choice he's going to have to live with forever?

So you can imagine how I might be feeling a little confused these days.  What book am I on?  What character am I thinking about? Whose voice do I want to get into now? I'm happy to say that I just finished the first draft of my new book (title to come) and now it is with a good writer friend who I know will give me honest feedback.

Do you have a question about Child of Mine? Writing? Publishing? Infertility? Ask away, and with my head clear, for now at least, I can answer!

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